
At QUBIC, we believe in nurturing talent and fostering growth, providing a vibrant ecosystem of opportunities for individuals passionate about advancing knowledge and making a difference.

UOW / UoS Joint Dual Degree PhD Scholarship – Molecular mechanisms of TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) proteinopathies (University of Wollongong)

Project: ‘Harnessing novel quantum tools for neural imaging in neurodegenerative disease’
TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43) is vital in controlling mRNA and protein levels in cells and is dysreglated in neurodegenerative diseases, such as motor neuron disease and dementia.  A multi-disciplinary approach, harnessing novel quantum tools, will be used to study the molecular mechanisms underlying TDP-43-diseases, capitalising on unique expertise in quantum biotechnology at UOW and UOS. Biochemical and computational studies will be used to study the factors affecting TDP-43 misfolding and aggregation.

The PhD candidate will gain expertise in modern experimental and computational biophysical techniques and will have the unique opportunity to be trained in the emerging high impact field of quantum biotechnology.

Supervisory team and affiliations
The PhD candidate will be supervised by Prof. Lezanne Ooi (neuroscientist, UOW) and Prof. Haibo Yu (computational biophysicist, UOW), Dr Youngchan Kim (quantum biologist, UOS) and Prof. Jim Al-Khalili (theoretical physicist, UOS). The candidate will be affiliated with the ARC Centre of Excellence in Quantum Biotechnology (QUBIC), of which Prof. Ooi is leading the ‘Neural Imaging Theme’. At UOS, the candidate will be integrated into the Leverhulme Quantum Biology Doctoral Training Centre (QB-DTC), of which Prof. Al-Khalili is co-director.

Funding Package
The funding package for this studentship scheme is as follows:

  • Full tuition fee waiver p.a.
  • Stipend at Research Training Program rates (circa $34,000 p.a.)
  • The stipend is funded for 3.5 years. The candidate will spend 24 months at University of Wollongong, Australia, followed by 12 months at University of Surrey, UK, before returning to UOW for the last 6 months.

PhD start date: January/February 2025 at the University of Wollongong
Applications close Monday 31 July 2024.

To find out more about this exciting opportunity and to apply, please visit the Higher Degree Research page on the University of Wollongong website.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

QUBIC is committed to improving equity, diversity, and inclusion within our Centre, at our partner institutions and in the wider quantum biotechnology community. Our goal is to provide a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment which allows all our members to achieve success, and to feel respected and supported. We welcome applicants from all backgrounds, including those without a traditional science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) background.