
Jim Al-Khalili

  • Professor
  • University of Surrey

Positions outside QUBIC:

  • Surrey Distinguished Chair in Physics
  • Professor of the Public Engagement in Science (University of Surrey)
  • Fellow of the Royal Society
  • Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Institute of Physics and the Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Leader of Quantum Foundations and Technologies research group within School of Maths and Physics, Surrey
  • Director of Leverhulme Doctoral Training Centre in Quantum Biology
  •   Trustee and Board Member of the 1851 Royal Commission
  •   Member of Royal Society Public Engagement Committee
  •   Member of the Royal Society Medals and Awards Search Panel
  •   Member of European Advisory Board of Princeton University Press
  •   President, Blackham Society, Humanists UK
  •   Member of advisory panel of FQXi (Foundational Questions Institute)
  •   Member of advisory board of HAPP (Oxford University Centre for History and Philosophy of Physics)
  •   Patron, Humanists UK
  •   Patron, National Education Museum, UK
  •   Patron of UK Metric Association

Jim Al-Khalili CBE FRS is a distinguished professor of physics at the University of Surrey and a well-known author, broadcaster and science communicator. He received his PhD in theoretical nuclear physics in 1989 and has published widely on few-body quantum scattering methods to study nuclear structure, particularly as applied to the study of exotic nuclei.  He has more recently focussed on the foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum thermodynamics and quantum effects in biology. He currently leads an international interdisciplinary research collaboration on the arrow of time in quantum mechanics and heads up the Quantum Foundations and Technologies Research Group at Surrey.  Jim is a prominent author and broadcaster and has written 15 books on popular science and the history of science, between them translated into twenty-six languages. He is a regular presenter on TV and hosts the long-running weekly BBC Radio4 programme, The Life Scientific.  He is a past president of the British Science Association and a recipient of the Royal Society Michael Faraday medal and Wilkins-Bernal-Medawar Medals, the Institute of Physics Kelvin medal and the Stephen Hawking Medal for Science Communication. He recently served as the only non-engineer judge on the QE Prize for Engineering and is a commissioner on the board of the 1851 Royal Commission.

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