
Takeshi Ohshima

  • Professor
  • National Institutes for Quantum Science and Technology

Next-generation technologies, for example, new concept computers substitute for super computers to solve issues on limitation of miniaturization of semiconductors and increase of power consumption, perfect cryptographic communications for enhanced information securities and sensing with high accuracy and high sensitivity for research in life science and material science, are required for our life to be more comfortable, safer and more secure. Technologies based on quantum effects, thus, quantum computing, quantum information and quantum sensing, are expected to be solve those issues. In order to realize those technologies, qubits operating with robust and steady are indispensable. We study defect engineering using ion and electron beams for creation of defects which act as qubits and quantum sensors in wide bandgap semiconductors such as diamond and silicon carbide (Si).

When semiconductor materials and devices are irradiated with radiations such as ion, electrons and gamma-rays, degradation of their characteristics, nondestructive and destructive malfunctions occur. For example, degradation of solar cells, flip-flop of memories and destruction of power devices in satellites are observed in space radiation environments. We study radiation response of solar cells and semiconductor devices to reveal the radiation degradation/malfunction mechanisms and in addition, establish radiation resistant technologies for development of long lifetime and highly reliable semiconductor devices that can be used in high radiation environments such as space, nuclear and accelerator facilities.

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